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United 737 Football Charter Tips Over At Lewiston Airport
A United 737 carrying the USC Trojans college football team to Washington state, tipped over at Lewiston Airport during the unloading process. (www.gatechecked.com) 更多...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Boeing 737 makes unplanned shift to tailback position for the USC football team
solution - get all the remaining player to charge forward !!
a.k.a. illegal shift
Tell me you don't know the proper loading/unloading procedures of a 737-900 without telling me!
When we were ramping these with Continental, we had a couple of them tip like this. You learned quite quickly to always unload the back bin 1st and loaded it last!
When we were ramping these with Continental, we had a couple of them tip like this. You learned quite quickly to always unload the back bin 1st and loaded it last!
did you ever use a skid pole ,, this may have been the first 737 they ever dealt with but....
We did at Continental.. but first thing was look at the load sheet to see what the weight was to determine whats where and how much weight for proper unloading /loading.
Continental always did it right!ðð
Continental always did it right!ðð