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Ukrainian passenger plane carrying 180 people 'crashes near Tehran'
A Ukrainian passenger plane carrying 180 passengers and crew has crashed near Tehran. (www.dailymail.co.uk) 更多...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
another missile attack?
An educated guess would have said yes yesterday, and apparently it is a fact.
Yessirree, very similar to the Swissair off Long Island some 20 years ago.
How is it similar? Swissair was a confirmed uncontrolled fire an unsuccessful 15 minute divert...
I think he might mean TWA 800...
Also the TWA 800.
The Swissair flight was off Nova Scotia in Canada
The Swissair flight was off Nova Scotia in Canada
Correct. Swiss Air was an inflight entertainment system fire that got out of control TWA800 was shot down by the govt during training drills
That certainly wasn’t in the accident report!
Sure was... Lots of witness's and they tried to debunk them so they would be discredited, but could not... TWA800 was a total Clinton Lie because it was an election year.
Assumes facts not in evidence, re: TWA800.
Take it easy Sparky. Your traitor has surpassed any pres in history for lying.
“If you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan”.....
Only when their lips are moving.
All politicians are liars.