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TSA Reports Busiest Day Ever
The TSA reported that Sunday, November 26 was the busiest day in agency history. (airlinegeeks.com) 更多...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Considering how many fat, stuipd and lazy TSA agents there are, having to actually work is considered a busy day. Wait, what's that you say? The most people passed through? My bad...
I would apply for a job at TSA...but I speak clear English, am not a "protected class" and prefer to mate with other humans of the opposite gender. I guess I am part of the problem....(next flight, next week....I cant wait to hate TSA)
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Um...AOC was a bartender, then at under $190k /yr and now is worth $17mil. All while being unable to have any logical thought....so, yeah, no corruption there. Fool.
I live near no less than five billionaires, not one of them are in Tech.
I live near no less than five billionaires, not one of them are in Tech.
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Very short-sighted. My neighbor (who owns about 12 aircraft) is a billionaire (self-made)...I think he has an email address. Not sure.
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"Not paying taxes" - huh, that is why I closed our facilities in Illinois and moved to Florida....I am not a billionaire, but...not exactly destitute. Avoiding taxes seems to be a theme under the current mode of responsible business ownership.
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Maybe. just maybe if my tax dollars did not go to fund the live of people - who had they been any other mammal on earth would not have made it to breeding age (as in, nature would have taken them out)...well, maybe I would not be such a disgruntled tax payor. This year my cut of the Federal Taxes will be well over $900k...no, I am NOT getting my money's worth.