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Student Pilot Crashes Stolen Aircraft In Fannin County
The Texas Department of Public Safety has reported that a student pilot was killed in a plane crash in Fannin County after stealing an aircraft from Addison Airport (ADS). (www.gatechecked.com) 更多...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Hmm, sad. I'm guessing suicide, wonder why? 23 yrs old and everything to live for!
That was pretty much what the article said he did from the start when he refused any communication from the tower. Then putting it into some what of a vertical dive said it all.
Not to mention the suicide note in his residence.
Yes that's a dead giveaway for sure!
With a Suicide Note, there is no way to deny it... With that in mind, He will not have any insurance coverage if he was planning on that as a reason!
He didn't think he had anything to live for.