Good points.
(Written on 2023年 12月 27日)(Permalink)
I take your point. The President promoting a company in the industry we cover, which makes it newsworthy. But I wanted to put it in context and not just give a free plug, so I showed how the mention didn't directly fit with the APEC theme and wasn't especially unique.
(Written on 2023年 11月 27日)(Permalink)
You're making ideological arguments, not fact-based ones. I get it. You don't like Biden and aren't going to give him credit for anything. I'm not saying you have to like him, but blaming him for everything under the sun that isn't under his control isn't fair. I laid out some strong evidence and you came back with Biden is destroying America. That's not having a policy or issues debate. Happy for you to push back on my position, but it should be supported by more than emotion.
(Written on 2023年 11月 06日)(Permalink)
Inflation is way down now from where it was. Not perfect, as good as before the pandemic, but pretty decent. Yes, inflation spiked b/c the global economy was all out of whack with COVID. Supply chains were disrupted. Then Russia invaded Ukraine. . . Oil prices spiked for awhile b/c of that and b/c refineries couldn't recover as fast as needed when economies opened up after the pandemic. . . Remember, inflation was high all over the world. In fact, higher than in the U.S. in many countries. For U.S. inflation, I'll grant you that a small portion could be tied to some stimulus spending, maybe a bit too much stimulus spending coming out of COVID. So if you want to say a quarter of the inflation we experienced was due to the Biden/federal spending, that's fair. But that means 3/4 had nothing to do with Washington. And the alternative to overshooting a bit on the stimulus is that it may have prevented a recession. So what's worse, high prices for a year or so, or an economic contraction and
(Written on 2023年 11月 06日)(Permalink)
Was responding to Bill Overdue
(Written on 2023年 11月 06日)(Permalink)
Not really a fair shot. Freight economy is down for reasons that have nothing to do with Washington. Besides, third quarter GDP (economic output) was a red-hot 4.9% in the 3rd quarter. . . Economy not perfect everywhere, but doing pretty good.
(Written on 2023年 11月 06日)(Permalink)
Check out the press release link. He's using private donations, but helping to organize the moves.
(Written on 2023年 10月 25日)(Permalink)
Countries typically look out for their own when they can. But we'll see if the U.S. pushes back.
(Written on 2023年 10月 24日)(Permalink)
Yeah, seems very dicey.
(Written on 2023年 10月 10日)(Permalink)
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