There is no exemption for the -8/9. They were certified before this issue became known, and so the solution in their case is an AD. I’d like to know the history of how this was discovered because as far as I know there haven’t been any incidents related to nacelle overheat on the Max. My company has been flying them since 2017 so if there were any issues we definitely would’ve heard about it. This is all based on risk assessment and probability, it’s not a given that leaving the cowl heat on will cause a failure, but it was determined that the chances of it happening were greater than allowed by the certification standards.
And we have to hear about it on seemingly every post about SWA. Give it a rest already, how long are you going to hold onto that grudge anyway? And it's not like any of the money will come out of the pockets of managers making the decisions. It will just mean less "profit" for the company, the executives will still get their fat bonuses and stock options.
That’s pretty dumb don’t you think? The whole point of armed pilots is as a last resort defense against an intruder who may be trying to take control of the airplane. If heaven forbid that were to happen they should just call a time out and ask the attacker to wait while they go back and retrieve a weapon from a bin somewhere? Do people even stop for one second to think before they post stuff like this anymore?
Couldn’t an “unarmed” pilot do the same thing? There are many ways to kill or incapacitate someone that don’t require any weapons, especially if they’re not expecting it and are not experienced in self defense.