In a way it makes sense if you know what you are doing and have the funds. Keep the older ones running as long as possible rather than buying a new one that may or may not last as long. With prices for "New" everything going through the roof, why not refurb something that you already know and can use.
When I head of this, I thought "Its about time!" until I saw that it will be managed by the Biden government. Might as well have nobody in charge for the good it will do. Another catch and release program.
II believe the 707 is the basis for the C-135/KC-135 and all of their variants. Those are all still flying, but the replacement is years behind and millions over budget.
This is really great news. The only other person I can think of that might have been nice to have been on the ISS would be Leonard Nemoy(sp). It is always easier to get forgiveness than approval.
Very interesting. It bears a strong resemblance to the one used in the opening scenes of "2001, A Space Odyssey". Wonder if it was left behind (Doubtful), or someone made a copy of it for fun.
I think,, because I haven't checked it yet, that the neck gaiter is accepted by the CDC. It is used by Federal Air Marshals while flying, because there was a major run-in in Atlanta about just that. Seems that the rules are not set in stone yet.