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How a 1926 Law Affects U.S. Airline Workers Today
As labor disputes heat up in the U.S. ahead of a busy holiday season, it is important to understand the key piece of legislation that governs them. (airlinegeeks.com) 更多...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
A fascinating history lesson, explaining a 97-year-old piece of US legislation.
Good Article.. I used to have to deal with that.. So glad I am not in a Union Any Longer... In a Non-Union environment and everyone works so much better and the Employees are not pitted against the union.. Maybe pay is better, but most of the time the Work Environment between management and employees is crap. I only know of 1 incident the union helped me, but hundreds of times that it hurt.
The healthcare is also better. But sure. Save money for your bosses. They will totally make it up to you.
I am laughing hysterically.
I am laughing hysterically.
Why are you laughing... There is no humor there. Please explain. Every Non-Union Job that I have had has been 10 times better work environment than the unionized! Money is not everything and it is nothing if you don't have happiness and Happiness can be bought!
I have had both union and non union jobs. Can’t say one is better than the other. I’d rather have a union to deal with poor bosses and supervisors. I also enjoy the extra cash by not having to pay the union dues in the other jobs. It all depends on your perspective and personal experiences.
Many non unionized companies offer better wages and benefits to keep the unions out. I work for a company that does that and the working conditions are better than union shops.
What company do you work for? My non union experience has been abysmal. I’m close to retirement, but if I had it all to do over, I would never work for a non union carrier.