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Boeing orders nearly frozen in wake of Alaska Air incident

Boeing, hit by quality concerns following the incident with a door plug blowout on an Alaska Airlines flight early last month, reported that January was its worst month for new airplane orders since the height of the pandemic. ( 更多...

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Thanx to mismanagement, they are going to end up like Kodak. Sad, but they caused it themselves!
jeff slack 1
.......... hopefully, it will not go as far as the Kodak saga did.
trentenjet 2
Boeing's already has financial problems. It's just a matter of time. They'll be declaring bankruptcy will have to break up the company. Witch private Investors will buy pieces of Boeing? The swamp is being destroyed.
hal pushpak 2
And guess who will bail them out..
Boeing is a massive component of the US economy and as such it is highly probable that the US govenment will ensure that they are provided with any required long term funding in the event that bankruptcy looms. I do wonder if the continued bad press creates a malaise amongst it's workforce which does nothing to enhance belief and pride in the product and that in turn does little to help improve Boeing's image.
Airbus has also had it's problems in the past but currently is rated 2nd in the 'Forbes World Best Employers' in the aerospace/defence industries and a contented workforce will surely have pride in their product.
At the end of the day there HAS to be a good working relationship between management and employee and the employee has to have trust in the management.
jeff slack 1
Which, "witch"?

Why are Americans cheering on their own destruction?
Yes, Boeing corporate have a lot to answer for but pushing them further into the toilet bowl waiting for a flush is not a very positive outlook for anyone, any company or any country.
btweston 2
So… what should we pretend?
trentenjet 1
They will go bankrupt. They will be broken up private Investors will start buying pieces of the company.
trentenjet 1
Boeing is owned by Wall Street that is controlled by the Federal Reserve. The swamp they're not American.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

jeff slack 7
Do you like, overtime, paid holidays, paid vacation and the 40-hour work week?
Thank a Union and those employees with the balls to stand behind it.
Greg S 8
This is idiotic. The MAX crashes were vastly more important in the current ill-health of Boeing than this particular quality control debacle (which, in turn, is only one of several in the last few years). Every problem of significance is directly traceable to Boeing's executive decisions to reduce costs. Even the decision to split off Spirit Aerospace was a business decision. MCAS itself is not needed and was purely an attempt to save money when Boeing realized very late in the MAX development program that the handling characteristics of the new engines were too different to pretend that the MAX was the same aircraft as the NG. What's more, all the business decisions would be smart if Boeing were building toasters instead of aircraft. If your toaster fails you just get a refund or a free replacement and life goes on. The airplane business doesn't work that way. If your plane crashes because of a defect, you get a strike. Three (maybe two) strikes and you go out of business, nobody will buy any of your aircraft again.

Boeing's competition is Airbus. Do you think Airbus' workers aren't in a union? I'm not a big union fan, but there's no way the union is responsible for this. An important theme in aircraft design is redundancy. That same theme is also applied to construction and maintenance of critical components. All work is double or even triple-checked. One person can and *will* make mistake. Always.

I guarantee you that when the NTSB and FAA look at *why* that worker made that mistake they'll discover that he was under immense pressure from Boeing management to speed up his work due to the backlog of orders. Instead of hiring more workers or simply slowing down production to a speed that was safe, Boeing made a business decision to try and make more money by pushing workers to speed up production.
mbrews 6
Put aside the union discussion. What happened is : the door plug was opened at Renton, to re-work some rivets.

That set in motion some one-time tasks, by unfamiliar untrained employees, to open then re-close the door plug. Meanwhile, the Spirit work instructions (for door plugs) resided some 1400 miles away at Spirit- Wichita factory.

IMO, The methods and people at Renton were SIMPLY UNTRAINED AND UNQUALIFIED, full stop


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