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American Plans 50-Seat Regional Jet Retirement

The airline says it plans to phase out its remaining fleet of 50-seat regional aircraft by the end of the decade. ( 更多...

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Chris B 4
Important to grow pax capacity like this as airport slots are restrictive.
pilotjag 4
Makes sense why they ordered more E175s. I hope United considers doing the same. Those 50 seater CRJ200s are not fun to fly on
mbrews 1
Agreed. But... tagline says : will phase out 50 seaters before end of the decade . Translation : they will keep flyin some for another 5 to 6 years ! CRJ 200 a no-go for me.
Mike Boote 4
Once I had to fly BHM - IAH - SLC - SMF and all were on E-135/CRJ-200's. By the time I arrived in Sacramento, I couldn't stand up straight.

James Simms 1
Flew PHO-BHM Summer of 2000 returning from Phase 2 @ Ft. Dix, NJ. Although I wasn’t into aircraft types @ the time outside of military aircraft, it had to be a CRJ-200 as my head hit the top sitting in a window seat.

I had more room in a very crowded NW 747 MAC flight going to Korea w/several hundred other servicemen & dependents & also a very crowed C-130 going to Panama & back.
mary susan watkins 1
if the airlines are to continue with the regionals and the smaller airports,they also must take into consideration buying and using more fuel efficient,more comfortable aircraft for the short routes and the passengers who fly those routes..i remember when(feeel like an oldie goldie here)the airlines did not have affiliations with "regionals"", and either flew a larger aircraft into a smallish airport,or did not service them at all..


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