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Activist kicked off American Airlines plane after flight attendant deems her face mask ‘offensive’
A woman was kicked off an American Airlines flight and forced to drive thousands of miles to get where she was going. (www.local10.com) 更多...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
That was the first thing I noticed. I was a copy editor for a local paper, and if one of the reporters had handed in a piece like that, I would have smacked them upside their head. Unless it was a direct quote, of course. The saving grace was that the phraseology was not "busted a U-ee."
As for the actions of American? They reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at their sole discretion. Flying is not a right. If you're going to act stupid, don't be surprised when you are treated stupidly.
As for the actions of American? They reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at their sole discretion. Flying is not a right. If you're going to act stupid, don't be surprised when you are treated stupidly.
AA treated no one "stupidly". Actions have consequences, with no apology for hurting her feelings.
I have read NOTHING in the last 6 months that is good journalism. It's all poor journalism, because they are pushing their agenda's, emotions, personal view points, and in most cases, not doing any research at all before they write or say something. I long for unbiased, well-researched reporting of facts. I'm not sure we'll ever see it again the way it is going. We all should be concerned with the freedoms they are trying to take away... that should be the focus.
Six months! How about the last 10 years?
Articles aren't even edited anymore. Or, if they are, it's by someone who never passed an English class.
As a retired federal investigator, I still approach things from the perspective of primary source data. I have 7.5 GB on the pandemic. I have 9.5 GB on the 737 Max. The information is out there. You don't have to be a sheeple.
just looked more closely... all but 1 GB of the 737 Max files are videos of the Congressional hearings. heh.
Yeah, like congress people know anything about aviation. What a waste of time as usual.
"...the plane she was on that was about to take off busted a U-turn..." Really? The aircraft "busted" a U-turn? Sorry, that is poor journalism and a sad commentary on the condition of our society.
I understand any airline's policy regarding obscene language. Sadly, as a society, we have accepted the use of obscenity and some have elevated it to almost an art form. The "F" word is still considered obscene and if it is visible, then the airline has every right to remove the person who refuses to cover the obscene word.