F35 Engine Fire Report
$0 million up in smoke (literally) because of engine problems. The F35 is fast becoming a white elephant, and the engine seems to have more than its fair share of problems. I really think Congress should have allowed GE/Rolls to develop the F136 engine. (flightlines.airforcetimes.com) 更多...Boeing Tanker Delayed...Again
The USAF new tanker replacement is under ever increasing pressure due to ongoing delays and problems. (www.airforcetimes.com) 更多...London ATC Failure Causes Chaos
I was surprised not to see anything on this site about this. The London ATC went down recently and resulted in chaos. This BBC article discuses the impact it had on Heathrow alone. I can't imagine the problems that a similar outage would cause in such busy airspace. (www.bbc.com) 更多...Squawks Voted On
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